Jurassic World Alive Tips, Tricks And Player Guide

We’re back with another guide! This time we want to show you some tips. Tricks for Jurassic World alive. We are addicted to this game too, and we want to share with you some of the best tips and tricks we have discovered so far.

Since we have spent a decent amount of time playing this game, it’s safe to say that we’ve learned a lot; from basic tips to advanced strategies, if you are a beginner or intermediate player this information will be of great help for you.

We will break down this article in several categories in order to provide you with tips in every aspect of the game. Let’s get started!

1 Darts and batteries

2 Combat and Strategy

3 Location and time tips


5 Events

6 VIP benefits

7 Conclusion

Darts and batteries

The two items you will need in order to capture your dinosaurs are darts and batteries for your drone. A limited number of these items are provided, and each can only be used until the drone’s battery becomes drained. After which it will need to be recharged, so you have to be smart and learn their proper usage to get the most out of them. The first thing that you have to take into account is that the battery doesn’t start running out until you shoot your first dart, and the dinosaur doesn’t move either. This means you have enough time to think where you are going to shoot first and aim directly for the bull’s eye. To progress faster it’s fundamental that you always hit the bulls eye with your first dart.

Another thing you need to keep in mind is the distance. If a dinosaur is too far away from you, your drone will use up too much battery moving there, so you will have less battery available, hence less time to shoot darts. Spend a little more darts. But don’t be afraid to miss the bull’s eye. It’s often better to get a little damage many times than to miss trying to hit a bull’s eye. Expert players are used to hit on the bulls eye very quickly, but don’t worry too much about it, you will improve with time.

It’s important that you follow these tips to have more chances to win battles on Jurassic World Alive:

- Speed is important for your dinosaurs to attack first, always keep a fast dinosaur in your team to have the possibility of attacking first. - When two dinos of the same level and speed fight, the one who presses the attack button first, attacks first. - You can check your opponent’s statistics by holding your finger on their dinosaurs. This will give you an idea of what strategy you should use. How much damage you can cause. But don’t rely on damage prediction too much, just use it as a reference, since dinosaur’s special abilities are a totally game changer. - Vulnerability attack (cloak) increases the damage of all your dinosaurs, try to have dinosaurs such as the Indominus rex or the Erlidominus in your team and keep them alive until the end of the fight, this will give you a huge advantage since the cloak ability multiplies the attack of all your dinosaurs times 2.

Going outside is not absolutely necessary to catch dinosaurs (new dinosaurs appear every 30-60 minutes). However, it’s recommended to hike around to have a wider variety of available dinosaurs and to capture more dinosaurs quicker.


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